Post by Semjase on Oct 13, 2008 14:58:43 GMT 3
May 31, 2004
Welcome. Semjase is a visitor to our world from another dimension
higher than our own, yet she relates to the human condition.
Information directly from Semjase can be found at:
In her messages Semjase discusses how she has been misunderstood and
misinterpreted by both skeptics and those who support and promote
her messages. She shows both the truth and the errors in her
messages promoted by contactees such as Billy Meier, various
channelers, Pleiadian guru's, etc.
Hopefully those who see Semjase's revealing messages will gain a
clarity of the Pleiadian visitation phenomenon which has become
quite prevalent over the past 30 years.
June 1, 2004
In the 3rd and 4th dimension we Orions have a symbiotic relationship
with our Flying Craft. If we ascend to the 5th and 6th dimension we
can bodily travel intergalacticly through 3rd dimension space and no
longer need Flying Craft. The living organism of the Flying Craft
will eventually be transformed to be absorbed into higher levels for
purposes desired by the ONE THAT IS. At present there is a buffer
zone at the threshold of the 5th dimension which prevents certain
biomolecular components from ascending due to their lower
vibrational rate. Pure-iron is too dense to shift beyond the 4th
dimension. Crystal can vibrate as high as the 5th. When an object is
composed of various transdimensional materials, the whole must be
subject to the level of the lowest vibrations. Perhaps your Earth
vehicles would one day be as ours - but this will not be until you
transcend death.
Death and sin, and your peoples constant interaction with anti-
dimensions will keep you from ever creating vehicles such as Rania,
who brought us here, or E'Ura, who endured much stress in a time-
loop beyond our galaxy. The ONE THAT IS has shown us that your world
Earth must be purified by intervention beyond. We are part of that
intervention. The Pleiadians are also a part of it. They are also to
be responsible for some of the "judgements" involving fire out of
heaven. We both will assist in the removal of what you name "chosen
These people are not "chosen" because they are favorites of the ONE
THAT IS -They are chosen because God sees their inner-soul, their
awareness, and their Spirit. They become chosen only because it was
seen before they would make individual choice to become chosen. Your
Bibles predestination teaching explains this - but as you know, your
Religions make it appear as if God sat up here somewhere picking
favorites. They seem to create a mind-world that "chooses" who they
think will be chosen! These kind of people have no light, their
chosen are not chosen, and neither are they themselves chosen. God
in the Truth gave you all free will and we all choose to be chosen
or not. By our own choices and actions are we chosen. - by, Ne'Ah
Yay'Ah Alia
From: The Orion Files
The Pleiadians and Orions are said to have a working relationship
together. These are not the Orions most often depicted as reptillian
(Zeta-Reticuli/Reticulans) but are the higher dimensional Nordics.
Many descendants have both Pleiadian and Orion blood. Pleiadians are
predominantly blonde, white, or silver haired, though some have a
light brown. Orions are predominantly black haired with an olive
complexion. Both races in higher levels of spirit can phase and take
on other forms, though mainly humanoid in nature. This has led to
them being called "Changelings" by some people of Earth.
June 1, 2004
"The emperor and god are transitory, but Creation is eternal.
"Upon these two directives depend the entire law and the prophets.
"The laws of god and those of the emperor are human laws and are
intended to maintain law and order among the people.
"But the laws of Creation are the laws of life and the spirit and,
therefore, they are eternal and constant."
Talmud Jmmanuel 23:40 - 42
Here is an example of a half-truth, or an untruth supported by a
truth. The emporer is certainly transitory, but God is eternal. It
is creation that is actually transitory because it changes. The laws
of the CREATOR are eternal and constant, but creation (that which is
made and fashioned from the mind of the Creator)is constantly
changing, fading, dying, and renewing. The laws of God are not human
laws, but some human laws are fashioned in accordance with the laws
of God. Creation is bound always to the laws of that whom created
it. As I have spoken before, Heaven and Earth will pass away. They
will be reborn, but that which is present will have a point of
termination. Only the Creator and the eternal spirit exist beyond
that which is subjected to change.
June 2, 2004
Hi everyone,
Thought I would kind of simplify a part about....
........."If we ascend to the 5th and 6th dimension we
> can bodily travel intergalacticly through 3rd dimension space and
> longer need Flying Craft. The living organism of the Flying Craft
> will eventually be transformed to be absorbed into higher levels
> purposes desired by the ONE THAT IS. " .........
This has to do with "Out of Body" experience. Your inner spirit has
to vibrate at a higher rate to be released from the physical body.
So yes we don't have to ever have a craft take us to higher
dimensions. You can fly just about anywhere out of body. We can do
this all by ourselves because God has given us this gift.
........... "At present there is a buffer
> zone at the threshold of the 5th dimension which prevents certain
> biomolecular components from ascending due to their lower
> vibrational rate. ..........
Some spirits and other "wildlife" are stuck vibrating at lower
levels because they are of lower minds. When I wrote "Lower minds"
I wasn't refering to lower intelligence in brain power but in spirit
power. If a person uses a drug or alcohol to achieve an out of body
experience they will only be able to achieve only the lower levels,
........."Death and sin, and your peoples constant interaction with
> dimensions will keep you from ever creating vehicles such as
> who brought us here, or E'Ura, who endured much stress in a time-
> loop beyond our galaxy. The ONE THAT IS has shown us that your
> Earth must be purified by intervention beyond".........
And about Rania, the ship that can safely deliver the Orions from
one dimension to the next..... If we are in a spiritual state,
vibrating at higher levels and can fly anywhere then why do they
need a ship to jump dimensions? My only guess is if they want to
enter the 3rd dimension then they have to come out of the 4th and
into the 3rd in somekind of craft. If no Rania or craft, they would
just fall (if on a planet) or float (if in space)upon the point of
transferance from 4th to 3rd.
And the death and sin thing.....sin will keep you on the lower
levels and I'm not sure about the death part except for people who
fear death aren't trusting in God.
Thought I'd mention these things..
June 3, 2004
RE: Confirming Messages
It is correct that there are higher vibrations involved when a
spirit leaves the physical body. Being attuned to the frequency of
Spirit through an act of will by faith is necessary for this to be
Death of the physical is so often feared by mortals because of the
limitations contained in the thinking patterns of the mortal brain.
When one realises that the spirit is eternal and transcends the
limitations of the physical, then death holds no terror from the
eternal perspective. Yes, you are correct, those who fear it are not
trusting in God, and are still bound by mortal thought patterns
ingrained by societal conditioning.
Welcome. Semjase is a visitor to our world from another dimension
higher than our own, yet she relates to the human condition.
Information directly from Semjase can be found at:
In her messages Semjase discusses how she has been misunderstood and
misinterpreted by both skeptics and those who support and promote
her messages. She shows both the truth and the errors in her
messages promoted by contactees such as Billy Meier, various
channelers, Pleiadian guru's, etc.
Hopefully those who see Semjase's revealing messages will gain a
clarity of the Pleiadian visitation phenomenon which has become
quite prevalent over the past 30 years.
June 1, 2004
In the 3rd and 4th dimension we Orions have a symbiotic relationship
with our Flying Craft. If we ascend to the 5th and 6th dimension we
can bodily travel intergalacticly through 3rd dimension space and no
longer need Flying Craft. The living organism of the Flying Craft
will eventually be transformed to be absorbed into higher levels for
purposes desired by the ONE THAT IS. At present there is a buffer
zone at the threshold of the 5th dimension which prevents certain
biomolecular components from ascending due to their lower
vibrational rate. Pure-iron is too dense to shift beyond the 4th
dimension. Crystal can vibrate as high as the 5th. When an object is
composed of various transdimensional materials, the whole must be
subject to the level of the lowest vibrations. Perhaps your Earth
vehicles would one day be as ours - but this will not be until you
transcend death.
Death and sin, and your peoples constant interaction with anti-
dimensions will keep you from ever creating vehicles such as Rania,
who brought us here, or E'Ura, who endured much stress in a time-
loop beyond our galaxy. The ONE THAT IS has shown us that your world
Earth must be purified by intervention beyond. We are part of that
intervention. The Pleiadians are also a part of it. They are also to
be responsible for some of the "judgements" involving fire out of
heaven. We both will assist in the removal of what you name "chosen
These people are not "chosen" because they are favorites of the ONE
THAT IS -They are chosen because God sees their inner-soul, their
awareness, and their Spirit. They become chosen only because it was
seen before they would make individual choice to become chosen. Your
Bibles predestination teaching explains this - but as you know, your
Religions make it appear as if God sat up here somewhere picking
favorites. They seem to create a mind-world that "chooses" who they
think will be chosen! These kind of people have no light, their
chosen are not chosen, and neither are they themselves chosen. God
in the Truth gave you all free will and we all choose to be chosen
or not. By our own choices and actions are we chosen. - by, Ne'Ah
Yay'Ah Alia
From: The Orion Files
The Pleiadians and Orions are said to have a working relationship
together. These are not the Orions most often depicted as reptillian
(Zeta-Reticuli/Reticulans) but are the higher dimensional Nordics.
Many descendants have both Pleiadian and Orion blood. Pleiadians are
predominantly blonde, white, or silver haired, though some have a
light brown. Orions are predominantly black haired with an olive
complexion. Both races in higher levels of spirit can phase and take
on other forms, though mainly humanoid in nature. This has led to
them being called "Changelings" by some people of Earth.
June 1, 2004
"The emperor and god are transitory, but Creation is eternal.
"Upon these two directives depend the entire law and the prophets.
"The laws of god and those of the emperor are human laws and are
intended to maintain law and order among the people.
"But the laws of Creation are the laws of life and the spirit and,
therefore, they are eternal and constant."
Talmud Jmmanuel 23:40 - 42
Here is an example of a half-truth, or an untruth supported by a
truth. The emporer is certainly transitory, but God is eternal. It
is creation that is actually transitory because it changes. The laws
of the CREATOR are eternal and constant, but creation (that which is
made and fashioned from the mind of the Creator)is constantly
changing, fading, dying, and renewing. The laws of God are not human
laws, but some human laws are fashioned in accordance with the laws
of God. Creation is bound always to the laws of that whom created
it. As I have spoken before, Heaven and Earth will pass away. They
will be reborn, but that which is present will have a point of
termination. Only the Creator and the eternal spirit exist beyond
that which is subjected to change.
June 2, 2004
Hi everyone,
Thought I would kind of simplify a part about....
........."If we ascend to the 5th and 6th dimension we
> can bodily travel intergalacticly through 3rd dimension space and
> longer need Flying Craft. The living organism of the Flying Craft
> will eventually be transformed to be absorbed into higher levels
> purposes desired by the ONE THAT IS. " .........
This has to do with "Out of Body" experience. Your inner spirit has
to vibrate at a higher rate to be released from the physical body.
So yes we don't have to ever have a craft take us to higher
dimensions. You can fly just about anywhere out of body. We can do
this all by ourselves because God has given us this gift.
........... "At present there is a buffer
> zone at the threshold of the 5th dimension which prevents certain
> biomolecular components from ascending due to their lower
> vibrational rate. ..........
Some spirits and other "wildlife" are stuck vibrating at lower
levels because they are of lower minds. When I wrote "Lower minds"
I wasn't refering to lower intelligence in brain power but in spirit
power. If a person uses a drug or alcohol to achieve an out of body
experience they will only be able to achieve only the lower levels,
........."Death and sin, and your peoples constant interaction with
> dimensions will keep you from ever creating vehicles such as
> who brought us here, or E'Ura, who endured much stress in a time-
> loop beyond our galaxy. The ONE THAT IS has shown us that your
> Earth must be purified by intervention beyond".........
And about Rania, the ship that can safely deliver the Orions from
one dimension to the next..... If we are in a spiritual state,
vibrating at higher levels and can fly anywhere then why do they
need a ship to jump dimensions? My only guess is if they want to
enter the 3rd dimension then they have to come out of the 4th and
into the 3rd in somekind of craft. If no Rania or craft, they would
just fall (if on a planet) or float (if in space)upon the point of
transferance from 4th to 3rd.
And the death and sin thing.....sin will keep you on the lower
levels and I'm not sure about the death part except for people who
fear death aren't trusting in God.
Thought I'd mention these things..
June 3, 2004
RE: Confirming Messages
It is correct that there are higher vibrations involved when a
spirit leaves the physical body. Being attuned to the frequency of
Spirit through an act of will by faith is necessary for this to be
Death of the physical is so often feared by mortals because of the
limitations contained in the thinking patterns of the mortal brain.
When one realises that the spirit is eternal and transcends the
limitations of the physical, then death holds no terror from the
eternal perspective. Yes, you are correct, those who fear it are not
trusting in God, and are still bound by mortal thought patterns
ingrained by societal conditioning.